Saturday 4 July 2015

Nearly the End

Last night was my last time on a campsite food this trip as I'm at a friend's tonight for a BBQ. it's further than you think from the top of Suffolk down into Essex, but I did call in on the Colne Valley Railway. It's over I'd the shortest heritage lines in the country, just about a mile end-to-end but the work that's gone in over the last 40 years is quite staggering. When they took over the site all they had were the remains of the trackbed. Since then they've dismantled, moved and reassembled one station, recreated another using salvaged and made materials, moved and rebuilt a couple of signal boxes, etc. The running on a Saturday is normally a diesel railcar, but there was also one of the steam locos running up and down doing a driver experience day.

As well as the big stuff there's a garden scale layout and a miniature railway. The former only operates on a Sunday though and the latter was closed due to track problems in the heat. The large OO model layout, which they were donated several years ago, was running but the two small models needed attention.

That's about the end of the holiday, although I'll do a conclusions report tomorrow. Tonight we've got our annual Essex Waterway Recovery Group bbq, then it'll be off home at a sensible time in the morning to get sorted out for work on Monday. It'll be odd wearing trousers after two weeks in shorts.

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